
Belated Realization

To err is human, does this statement give a peep into the psychological realms of humans indicating the complexities that are entangled with theories of survival, revival and evolution or it just highlights the fragile, flickering and feeble mind setup of human nature that shows insecurities, fear making it vulnerable to error. But what is more important in life to error and not realising at all or realising at later stages. But what if the harm is already done, would realisation make it better or less bitter! Can the things go back to the previous one and repair the lost faith, mend the broken relations, fix the trust issues? A big question to be asked to self. And what if the person is habitual of committing the same error and always realising it but never working to correct it! Would this realisation or belated realisation  help? Whatever the situations are, every one of us has gone through it numerous times in life and these moments are just inescapable part of our experien...

The Deep Dive

                             Life is all about a change and this change often comes along with age, phases, situations and at many times with inner reflections and evaluations. About and around any change is the impact which   ideally should gravitas more towards a positive side rather on the other side, but the intensity of   either of the impact varies. Because on getting hurt, betrayed and facing ruthless situations in life everyone develops certain traits that turns even a gentlest of being into a hard and cruel living entity. It sometimes seems so foolish to hop on certain defining judgements which obscurely leads to permanent impressions. All talk same, act almost the same on confronting and getting into a ditchy situation but not all grow out equally from the same. Some are left completely shattered, grievous, others little strong and some comes out with more brightness and radiance. How does...

What Happens to Love !

                        Love is such a wonderful feeling, probably the best part of living a life and truly  one of the best phases of life. Love is more comforting when received without commitments or conditions rather than giving ,that too  for quite apparent reason as it demands more sacrifices. Love  is a luxury   if one can have. When you are in love the energy inside starts resonating through the five senses. You feel good, listen to soothing songs, speak softly, eat less and remain inebriated in  inundated good vibes that change the aura of your personality. Yes! love does transform a human mind and heart as it lands   you in utopia  where everything seems fascinatingly possible and gives the magical glimpse of happily ever after. Following this mantra of happily ever after one starts putting   best efforts, showing the best part of   personality… actually love brings o...

Is Forever a Lie!

It’s such a promising word and gives a feeling of security when you hear it being said, with a suffix-forever. Is that really anything, be it love, hate or hurt that lasts forever or its just that we cling on to this notion and feel comforted in the illusion that it creates around, and delusions our mind by blocking the paths that can unclog the cloudiness and shows the reality or we love to stay in the blurred realities which exist somewhere between hard core truths and deep shady lies? Do we get bluffed by it or we love to be bluffed by it.  The promises that are made in deep love out of pure intentions holding hands to be with each other in any conditions, the vows sworn at the time of wedding to be each other’s better half, the oaths taken to be best friends, do they mean to be forever?   What really stays and for how long, is it a matter of time, or emotions or   a game played by time and emotions in which both have the probability to change and if the probability ...

Distracted Deities

    Dear dazzling divas, while reading these couple of lines, for next few minutes as you scroll down the paragraph we would be celebrating ‘US’ under this bit weird theme of ‘Distracted Deities’. You must be wandering why distracted and what is so thoughtful to celebrate about it. Well! I have an apt and pretty crisp answer to it. A woman is born in pain Raised in pain And bear the pain To give this world the existing human race. The responsibility of running the world whether it’s the world outside house or it’s in the house, lies on the soft fragile yet secured shoulders of a woman. The hypocrite society who has double standards in dealing with women always look at us with drooling expectations that are meant to be fulfilled and we surrender ourselves  to meet those expectations, yet can’t make everyone happy. And in this whole game of making and keeping people happy we compromise, denying the facts that our bodies are giving up as we don’t pay heed to th...

An Ode to Frozen Times

                    There are moments intentionally or randomly captured and there are emotions flowing in those moments that sometimes couldn’t escape the mechanic eye and become immortal on a limited space of a colourful piece of paper. No amount of dust could blur the visuals caught in a photograph. As the time passes the caravan of memories that was occupying the most dominant corner of the cerebrum begin to leave, making them foggy and many times these are pushed completely to a corner where forgetfulness take them in its warmth. This is how new innings get the green card to the recently vacated place, and it is always the good visuals that take the lead of leaving the mind comparing the bad ones but once a moment captured in a photograph it becomes a forever feeling either of pleasure or of distress. Each picture is a magical mirror that can take us back into the times we have long walked past. Some pictures bring a wide gri...

The Amber Rustle

                               For a lazy leisure, glib gossip, deep debate and moron mood- A simple homogenous mixture of water, tea leaves, milk, sugar is a desirable cup that enchantingly pairs with any of the situations and makes it more fascinating. For many it is a cure to ailments that are always found in non-existing category of medicos but they occupy a prominent place in the psycho cosmic realm of human body. A simple cup of tea in its most intoxicating grandeur cast a spell of relief after an exhaustive day.   A morning alarm and tea by the side give reasons to break the slumber and jump into a day long hustle.   It works as a wonder in headaches. On mixing with herbs, it is therapeutic.       We have tea in myriad forms that behove any occasion in specific. A rainy-day tea with fritters makes family and friends come close and relish the flavours while exchanging ba...