An Ode to Frozen Times



 There are moments intentionally or randomly captured and there are emotions flowing in those moments that sometimes couldn’t escape the mechanic eye and become immortal on a limited space of a colourful piece of paper. No amount of dust could blur the visuals caught in a photograph. As the time passes the caravan of memories that was occupying the most dominant corner of the cerebrum begin to leave, making them foggy and many times these are pushed completely to a corner where forgetfulness take them in its warmth. This is how new innings get the green card to the recently vacated place, and it is always the good visuals that take the lead of leaving the mind comparing the bad ones but once a moment captured in a photograph it becomes a forever feeling either of pleasure or of distress. Each picture is a magical mirror that can take us back into the times we have long walked past. Some pictures bring a wide grin, some soothe the mind, some are like fresh air, some have a healing touch and some revive the wounds that were healed with times. No matter how far you have come, just  take a look and leap back, revive the frozen times in just a little while. In this chaotic rumbles and grumbles of life despite several nationalities, disparities, clashes, opinions we all share one good and fabulous habit and that of course is capturing some moments of happiness with tiny yet effective cameras in our hands. Checking the gallery of our phones we find picture of good days, special days, bad days, lonely days, blessed days and so on… how and when we got accustomed .. we hardly know but taking a picture on any event or no event has become so mandatory that life seems  incomplete without it. The days are long gone when a professionally trained cameraman was invited on some special occasions to get pictures clicked and everyone would wait eagerly for the turn. The pictures were nicely preserved in a flowery album cover, no matter how it would come up on the film it couldn’t be changed and many times become a laughing stock for rest of life.  A photograph  not only captures the moments but zillions of emotions that are flashed  on all the faces in fractions of seconds. What is caught on the film stay constant and remind us the things that buried deep in our conscious. Each photo has a secret visual that can either be transcended into a story or entwined around a soothing poetic couplet which is admired, embraced and loved when looked up on. Let’s make more memories everyday, let’s live a little more each day and let’s click more photos with loved ones and cherish the preserved remembrance God knows! what is in the store house of future but present is ours, make it more living, loving and smiling and the past will surely be framed in adoration forever.



  1. Beautifully written! The title captures the essence so well

  2. Excellent write up dear

  3. It brings more joy looking at those moments captured on camera and thaw the time for a brief moment to feel what if was like when that picture was taken? Writer has beautifully captured those emotions. Bravo!!!

  4. astonishing 😍


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