The Amber Rustle


     For a lazy leisure, glib gossip, deep debate and moron mood- A simple homogenous mixture of water, tea leaves, milk, sugar is a desirable cup that enchantingly pairs with any of the situations and makes it more fascinating. For many it is a cure to ailments that are always found in non-existing category of medicos but they occupy a prominent place in the psycho cosmic realm of human body. A simple cup of tea in its most intoxicating grandeur cast a spell of relief after an exhaustive day.  A morning alarm and tea by the side give reasons to break the slumber and jump into a day long hustle.  It works as a wonder in headaches. On mixing with herbs, it is therapeutic. 

    We have tea in myriad forms that behove any occasion in specific. A rainy-day tea with fritters makes family and friends come close and relish the flavours while exchanging banters. Tea date with best friends is the finest way to have heart to heart talk. Tea on a starry cold night with music by your  side can be ‘ME’ time.  Tea with guests become favourite time pass and a cup of tea with a stranger can be a whole plot to new innings.  So a lot can happen over a cup of Tea. For a tea lover the amber liquid poured in an ivory porcelain cup can be the romanticism of highest order and for a thinker, it’s an intellectual potion. Beverage like this many times become such an integral part that one can quit only in graves. Perhaps Tea is sounding highly overrated here and has been exaggerated beyond its simplicity but those who cannot see the greatness in simple things generally overlook the happiness and contentment that can be derived from them. 

    Teaism is a cult for those whose spirit and the matter meet in this ephemeral combat. Let us dream of evanescence and linger in subtle charm while appreciating the greatness of small things.


  1. Replies
    1. Wow beautiful 🤩 thoughts always come from a beautiful mind u are a great thinker always love ❤️ ur blogs and seriously I m also a tea lover ☺️☺️

  2. Wow!!!Mind blowing...Keep it up Vineet

  3. My God. Now I understand why my mom always asks for a cup of tea in all her ailments may it be headache or stomach ache or when she feels bored. This is the best explanation of this wonderful beverage. Vineet, you are awesome. Wonderful blog. Keep going.

    1. Wah !kya baat kya baat.. Punjabies energy drink.

  4. 👌🏻👌🏻

  5. Being a tea lover,I second it....

  6. I enjoyed reading your content. Keep doing your best work.

  7. ...having a cup of tea in my hand when I thought to relax myself... I didn't know I will read the same blog on it....loved to read it and felt really a relief relating myself with your Teaism...

  8. Congratulations Vineet. Eventhoug i don't take tea,i understand why people crave for it. Wonderful blog. Come up with new ideas.

  9. Tea time is always me time .....but it becoms we time when we put spice of gossip in it....loved the way you scripted the most loving part of day. Perfect description of every moment..loved it.keep it up!

  10. Perfect enjoyed every sip of tea in your words 😋😋

  11. High tea, full of new words and logics

  12. चाय कहो तो अपनी सी लगती है । यू कॉफ़ी पे बुलाओगी तो दफ्तर से लगेगा। beautiful

  13. Your message "those who cannot see the greatness in simple things generally overlook the happiness and contentment that can be derived from it" is a crux of human nature. Keep writing. Don't know when such messages hit us and we correct our course of life

  14. Really tea the best source of all ailments

  15. Really it's awesome. Congratulations dear

  16. Beautifully described Mam ☕️ ❤️

  17. Reading it while sipping my cup of tea. Wah Taj!! Wah Vineet!!

  18. 👌 superb mam.

  19. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  20. Awesome blog dear. The choice of words and the whole feel of describing tea is really out of the world. Hats off to you my dear.

  21. What a wonderful explanation of my favourite dukhbhanjani drink chai 😃 the only addiction of my life 💖

  22. Going to prepare one right now 😂

  23. Great Read! I am really short of words to express how I am feeling after going through this blog. Unmatchable. Dr Supreet told me to read this and now am thankful to her as well 👍

  24. Lovely words, made me feel super relaxed 😊🫖

  25. You put your heart in tea cup so it is tasty. You are really creative

  26. Never imagined somebody could write such a deep, romantic and article full of emotions on something as simple as tea. But that is the beauty of this vlog which would now always make me recall it everytime I shall drink tea now onwards. Well done and proud of you sister. Got to brew some tea now.

  27. From picking the pan and lighting the stove to begin the ritual of tea making is so therapeutic. Patiently waiting for the water to come to boil and the aroma of tea leaves when swirled in the boiling water takes your mind into a different world. The first sip makes you feel you are in heaven… just incredible experience…

  28. I enjoyed reading your content

  29. Hr ehsaas ko lafzon mein chhupa rakha hai
    Log kya chai mein kya kya rakha hai

  30. Only a few people can write their heart out & people say i make awesome tea :-)

  31. So beautiful!!! Teaism❤️

  32. 👌👌👌👌


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