The Deep Dive



Life is all about a change and this change often comes along with age, phases, situations and at many times with inner reflections and evaluations. About and around any change is the impact which  ideally should gravitas more towards a positive side rather on the other side, but the intensity of  either of the impact varies. Because on getting hurt, betrayed and facing ruthless situations in life everyone develops certain traits that turns even a gentlest of being into a hard and cruel living entity. It sometimes seems so foolish to hop on certain defining judgements which obscurely leads to permanent impressions. All talk same, act almost the same on confronting and getting into a ditchy situation but not all grow out equally from the same. Some are left completely shattered, grievous, others little strong and some comes out with more brightness and radiance. How does  lot  of happenings in life effect so differently or is it self comprehensive evaluation which leads to differences in the results ? The broken pieces of inner self are so hard to put back…though time heals everything still the pieces that are lost in the disaster are never found, yet fixing heart, mind, soul help in overcoming and bringing back life with desirable changes to accommodate  to new ventures with a better vision and newly learnt experiences. Life is good only when lived beautifully. I know…so easy to say but difficult to take. Yes…. It is indeed good. Every sun rise brings a new hope. Every sunset brings a night that gives a chance to reset. Nature is giving numerous chances to dive deep and unfold the magic of knowing. Know your self first, what you really want, what are your expectations from life  and what are you doing to get it ! Knowing it….is not all that will lead you to get it but knowing how  will certainly lead you to your desired life. No one knows you better than you, no one can understand you more than you. You need not to prove anything to yourself but all you need is to dive deep. Take out time, sit at your favourite place and dive into the vast ocean of your thoughts and visions and try to look at yourself deeply.


  1. Beautiful and inspiring!

  2. First and formost,the time has wings. Secondly que sera sera. Therefore introspection and overthinking better be replaced by hope and the ability to move on. Be selfish in finding happiness for own self and its not necessary that you have to be answerable to all either because you work with them or you live with them. Therefore what you need is art of ignoring. That's it. Well written. An emotional piece.

  3. Yeh I agree with age and situations a person changes but the change should be positive . Self love is an essential feeling but as u’ve put in realisation of self love is important and it comes with age


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