Collateral Collapse of Emotions



Emotions are the most fragile yet severely influencing  components   of humankind. Not only humans have the tendency to react to these emotions but also animals show their responses towards the emotions they receive, not forgetting plants as researches have shown a similar pattern in them. The most complex trait of human system is dealing with emotions that have an extraordinary power to interfere with human affairs. In fact they display human’s innate fears, desires, longings and deepest passions. Emotions shape our actions and decisions. It would not be wrong to say that life’s biggest tragedies and best comedies have their origin in emotions. We have our emotions attached with the most simple things, places, people, events to the complex, ambiguous and ir-rational incidents that make up the treasure of memories thus the whole ledger of life is evaluated in terms of good or bad. We have numerable citations in various scriptures where just emotions changed the alpha and omega of fate. Adam and Eve were thrown out of heaven as Eve could not resist her emotion of desire of tasting the forbidden fruit. kekayi in Ramayan, out of her mere insecurity sent Ram to exile. Sita out of her compassion stepped out of the forbidden line. Ravan’s under the spell of his un-desirable emotions committed the sin that resulted in a war. The Trojan War in Greek and MahaBharat in Hindu mythology are examples of great human disaster popped from complex entanglement of emotions like love, lust, greed, envy, power. This abstract notion dominates our lives. Accordingly, these metaphysical sentiments take up the form of thoughts, that transform into decision further compelling us to take required actions. From running an ordinary chore to leading a country, sentiments affect the totality of human operating system.

We live in a world full of chaos built on instincts that have developed on collective responses to emotions that differ from one person to other. The magnitude of this collective response is radiating the similar energy in the universe hence the same energy is imbibed causing more dilution of pure consciousness. It is not a simple phenomena as it appears. The kind of feelings conceived leads to similar perception that defines our attitude affecting our surroundings and attracting equivalent vibes.

The whole web of happiness and sadness has wrapped us in strings of excitement and misery. It does not let us live a life free of entanglements. An easy, simple life needs only plain warm feelings. Alas!. We have created a sphere with so many emotions that are not in sync with the nature of Universe hence each time they try to co-exist, there occur the repulsion and collision which create more of devastation to both inner and outer mental regions leading to the collapse of peace and harmony making us more vulnerable and prone to self-destruction. Let the flow of emotions be neutral, more calm and better composed so that the resultant effect subside to minimal impact hence saving collateral peace of humanity. 


  1. Very true and nicely written Ma'am.Keep writing.

  2. What a range of emotions are depicted in ur words....once again a significant blog .Keep it up !

  3. Very comprehensive way to study emotions

  4. Well written.. resonates with human nature

  5. Awesome attempt in summarizing the Truth and real nature of human spirit.

  6. That's why all cultures and religions name only emotions as sins and root cause of all evil in the world. Like in Hindu Mythology - KAAM, KRODH, LOBH, MOH & AHEM.
    If only we could learn to rein these horses, the world would be a better place.

  7. Control over imotion is the solution of all ..mam beautiful expression of ur feelings

  8. Wonderful explanation of emotions. Excellent blog. Keep it up!

  9. Wonderful explanation of emotions. Excellent blog. Keep it up!

  10. Beautiful expression of emotions....

  11. Very wonderfully and deeply explained..once again written so briliantly..keep it up dear..

  12. Beautifully written. We sure also need to increase our reaction time and over half of the problems will not even seem like they are

  13. Wow dont have words but its the best ever written mam ❣❣

  14. Each and every word is true. Full of emotions👌

  15. Nicely embellished thought. A subtle difference between a animal and human emotion as exhibited by human is various forms of “comfort”
    This is ruing the present human mind.
    Institutions of family has been holding lot of emotions, which helped humanity endure successfully. Need for revival of family culture which looks is being jettisoned. Alarms on

  16. Well written beautifully expressing the need for bonding


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