
Showing posts from January, 2022

On Marriage

  Some marriages are to be celebrated, some to be consummated and others to be separated. Celebrated marriage are often an idealistic kind always dreamt of but rarely found. Such level of compatibility needs purity of emotions, simplicity in conversation, desire to understand and being understood. The spark of love must be lit in the darkest of gloom leaving no room for self-doubts and justifications. All form of marriages look forward to this idea of celebration though, yet difficult to achieve. Although the celebrations are well initiated with smiles, laughter giggles, tiny sparkling dreams but soon hit the grounds still we must have Faith in dreams. Consummated marriages are more mechanized. The general purpose is to get laid and derive the maximum pleasure one can and ending with conceiving as the final product of the act or if not so, then mastering the various positions and sharing with close knit group so that they could also spice up their lives as well. Maximum populatio...

The Relationships

  How intricated are these! Some with emotions, some with responsibilities, some with love, some with need, some with wants  and some socially loathed. Is a life all about this or beyond this? We born and get into the web of relations and live the rest of life serving to them or being slave to them. How much handicapped we find ourselves without one. If you are single you must marry, if married you must have a kid, a kid will be alone so to have a blood relation you need to have two kids and so on. Why are we always taught to live in a socially bound cage of wanted and non-wanted relationships? Some we enjoy though but many we carry the burden of, still we need to carry on because this we are expected, as a social norm is bound us to.     Even if we chose to live a life of aloofness, we are again reminded to be with someone because it’s so incomplete. The meaning of life as taught by Vedas is to be Whole and whole never means to find the company of someone but t...