
Showing posts from January, 2023

An Ode to Frozen Times

                    There are moments intentionally or randomly captured and there are emotions flowing in those moments that sometimes couldn’t escape the mechanic eye and become immortal on a limited space of a colourful piece of paper. No amount of dust could blur the visuals caught in a photograph. As the time passes the caravan of memories that was occupying the most dominant corner of the cerebrum begin to leave, making them foggy and many times these are pushed completely to a corner where forgetfulness take them in its warmth. This is how new innings get the green card to the recently vacated place, and it is always the good visuals that take the lead of leaving the mind comparing the bad ones but once a moment captured in a photograph it becomes a forever feeling either of pleasure or of distress. Each picture is a magical mirror that can take us back into the times we have long walked past. Some pictures bring a wide gri...