
Showing posts from November, 2023

What Happens to Love !

                        Love is such a wonderful feeling, probably the best part of living a life and truly  one of the best phases of life. Love is more comforting when received without commitments or conditions rather than giving ,that too  for quite apparent reason as it demands more sacrifices. Love  is a luxury   if one can have. When you are in love the energy inside starts resonating through the five senses. You feel good, listen to soothing songs, speak softly, eat less and remain inebriated in  inundated good vibes that change the aura of your personality. Yes! love does transform a human mind and heart as it lands   you in utopia  where everything seems fascinatingly possible and gives the magical glimpse of happily ever after. Following this mantra of happily ever after one starts putting   best efforts, showing the best part of   personality… actually love brings o...