
Showing posts from June, 2023

Is Forever a Lie!

It’s such a promising word and gives a feeling of security when you hear it being said, with a suffix-forever. Is that really anything, be it love, hate or hurt that lasts forever or its just that we cling on to this notion and feel comforted in the illusion that it creates around, and delusions our mind by blocking the paths that can unclog the cloudiness and shows the reality or we love to stay in the blurred realities which exist somewhere between hard core truths and deep shady lies? Do we get bluffed by it or we love to be bluffed by it.  The promises that are made in deep love out of pure intentions holding hands to be with each other in any conditions, the vows sworn at the time of wedding to be each other’s better half, the oaths taken to be best friends, do they mean to be forever?   What really stays and for how long, is it a matter of time, or emotions or   a game played by time and emotions in which both have the probability to change and if the probability ...